中國石化新聞網訊 據普氏能源資訊網倫敦3月19日消息,卡塔爾石油公司首席執行長周一表示,公司預計在2023年底前開始從北方氣田擴能項目中生產液化天然氣(LNG),公司已經將陸上設施的前端工程和設計合同授予了日本千代田公司。
唐紹紅 摘譯自 普氏能源資訊
Qatar Petroleum eyes first LNG from North Field expansion by end-2023
Qatar Petroleum expects to begin LNG production from its North Field expansion project by the end of 2023, its CEO said Monday, on the occasion of the award of the Front End Engineering and Design of the onshore facilities to Japan's Chiyoda Corp.
State-owned Qatar Petroleum is also looking to form a joint venture with international partners to deliver the North Field expansion first announced in July last year.
The new project will enable Doha to raise LNG production capacity from 77 million mt/year to 100 million mt/year.
At the time, the timetable for the project was set at five to seven years from the date of the announcement.